Ever wondered what Santa Claus has to do with Christmas?
The Christmas that we know of today is not what it was 2000 years ago. Christmas these days has been commercialised in such a drastic manner to an extent that many know of Santa Claus and Rudolph, yet they do not know the real meaning of Christmas.
I've been doing some research about Christmas and all the fiction that surrounds it. I have to say that most of the traditions (i.e. kissing under the mistletoe, santa claus and christmas trees) have nothing to do with Christmas. The stories of how things came about can be quite interesting, and I'd like to share it with all of you.
Well, it is no suprise that Santa is actually a fake. He came about when people decided to revive the Dutch tradition of St. Nicholas. He was a fine saint who was a philantrophist. And from then on, people created father Christmas out of the beloved St. Nicholas. Adding extra features to him from year to year and ending up looking like today's modern day santa.
Mistletoe- People say that it is a tree that has magical attributes as well as healing properties. It is said that when whenever enemies met under the mistletoe in the forest, they had to lay down their arms and observe a truce until the next day. From that, comes the custom of kissing under the mistletoe as a sign of goodwill and friendship.
This was not a Christmas custom. Rather, the custom of kissing under the mistletoe was for many centuries was thought to bring life and fertility.
Now let me reveal the truth behind the christmas tree. The actual origin of the Christmas tree may be the paradise play, featuring the Paradise Tree (the "Paradeisbaum"). In medieval times, morality plays were performed all over Europe, as a way of teaching the lessons of the Bible. These plays, which showed the creations of man and the fall of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden, was performed every year on December 24th. An apple tree was a necessary prop, but performed in winter, when all the fruit trees were bare, the actors used evergreen branches hung with apples and small white wafers. Thus the birth of the Christmas tree tradition.
With all the fiction surrounding us, no wonder people never know the true meaning of Christmas- the baby boy that was born of a virgin was God himself. An act of utmost love to save all mankind. There is a song that goes:
Christmas isn't Christmas, Till it happens in your heart,
Somewhere, deep inside you, Is where Christmas really starts.
Not everyone thinks so. To some people, Christmas is merely of myths and legends. But to me, Crhistmas is all in the heart.