Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Close Call..

I went to play futsal with my church members yesterday. It was fun to catch up with them, it always has. Anyway, we went out for dinner after that. Initially, we wanted to eat in SS2, but since it was raining and we forgot that monday pasar malams are in ss2, we decided to eat in ming tian. (is that how you spell it?)
We ate, drank and we were merry. We watched the football highlights and I had to endure the anguish of watching the draw between Man Utd and Everton. I wanted to make my order in chinese, but I decided not to after remembering that I don't speak chinese. So, with my skillful bahasa skills, I ordered claypot chicken rice. Somehow the claypot chicken rice came in a plate, much to my suprise. Maybe it was my bahasa that put them off, or maybe they just serve their food without the claypot itself.
So, after dinner, I sent Shaun back home in BU 10, then I headed back home. At this corner, down the hill at summer palace, there were puddles of water and perhaps I was moving too fast. I decided to brake a little abruptly. And as I cornered, *poof* my car skidded and made a 360 turn. I was lucky there were no cars around. For a moment, I felt terrified but after that, I felt great. Sill I'm traumatized by the incident and when I was driving today, I couldn't help feeling scared that my car would skid. Surely it was a close call.


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