Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Me, Myself and I...

Its been an eventful weekend. We had a rugby match against Victoria Institution and Sekolah Teknik Tuanku Jaafar. Winning VI certainly felt like sweet revenge.(RMC lost to them in the debates last year) However, we lost against SSTJ. They were really good.
Disaster struck again this time. Just 5 minutes into the game agaisnt SSTJ, I got injured. I tackled someone and we both fell. I was trampled on by an oncoming teammate and my right palm got stepped on- I got substituted. My palm looks pretty much like a baloon now. Its bloated up and bruised (possibly a ruptured vessle). I'll post up pictures when I get them downloaded onto my com. One thing I learnt from this injury- my left hand can do much more than I give credit to.
This week:
  • Studies are a constant source distress that teases my conscience. I hate to admit, but I am afraid of the exams. Its slightly less than 2 months from now.
  • The athletics meet is in 3 weeks time. Training has already started. I'll most probably be taking part in the 800m, 1500m and 4x400 relay. If all goes well, I'll be able to win myself some medals =)
  • Its hard to explain how I really feel. In short, I'm tired- too tired to elaborate...


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