Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Me, myself and I...

Coming back to college wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. The first week was just a little less intense than hell itself. Maybe I'm just too worked out with petty things, but I would safely say that my I'm nearing my limit of sanity. Just a little more and I'll go bazookas.
Currently I'm in the organizing comittee for a dinner that is to be organized next week. But the oragnizing comittee doesn't look pretty much like it is supposed to be. I just can't come to fathom how exactly the dinner is supposed to be organized when half of the committee won't be at the dinner itself. I'm incharge of keeping the audience busy when the meal starts till the end- the prize giving ceremony. The job is like living hell. (how do you suppose to keep the audience entertained for an hour and a half?)
I don't know what'll help, but complaining simply won't solve all the problems; complaining won't do me any justice. Trying to work out things a little by a little won't work either, because time is against me. Rather, I have to work things out a lot by a lot. Sigh...
This week:
  • I'm still organizing the dinner. Hopefully, we'll come up with some graet idea that'll keep all parties happy and content.
  • I'm also involved (not directly) in a Valentines Day social meet. But its adding to the already heavy load that I bear.
  • The tonnes of studying is slowly killing me. I am already entertaining thoughts of dropping one subject. The homework is fine, but coping with the new ideas and new priciples are hard. My rusty brain isn't helping.
  • There will be a pool party this weekend for all the new students. (I still fall into that category) and there is a presentation to be done by all the groups. My group is doing a traditional dance. And practice shall commence soon.
  • I'll be trying to keep my composure eventhough everything around me is like living hell.

That'll be all for now, in the mean time, I'll try to keep my sanity.


At 12:22 AM, Blogger YueN said...

Looks like you're having a great time! hahaha...

eh, what's happened to ur tagboard? or is it just me.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Spilinmy said...

Lol.. A wonderful time indeed. Well, things are pretty much sorted out now. Just hope things go according to planned..


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