Wednesday, November 17, 2004

A stroll down memory lane

I am continuously amazed at how time passes by. I was strolling in 1 utama just the other day and to my suprise, I bumped into quite a number of friends- old, new and present ones. It certainly was great to see old friends; faithful friends who were and still are dear to me. I didn't exactly stop to chat with them, I just said a quick "hullo" and left. Though it seemed to me that I was hanging out with them only a few months back, in reality, it was nearly 3 years ago. Time certainly does pass by pretty fast.
Having bumped into my old friends, I took the liberty to recall the cherished memories that we shared- the sweet, the bitter and yes, even the silly ones.We shared the ups and the downs, and even the upside downs. It certainly felt heart warming taking a stroll down memory lane.
Of all the things I miss the most, I miss the sleepless nights where I spend talking to friends about life and the future. I miss the midnight movies and I miss the night basketball. More than any other, I miss my friends. Each of them connotes a unique experience that only I would understand.
Bumping into some old friends sufficed for me. However, there are many more friends that I didn't have a chance to bump into. Deep inside, there is a sorrowful yet passionate yearning to see them all again. I really do wonder how each and everyone of them are.
Travelling back up memory lane isn't easy, especially when the past has so much to offer. Nevertheless, I cannot afford to dwell on the past. There are new horizons for me to conquer and life has to carry on, and on, and on, and on.......


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