Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Growing Up..

When I was young, I dreamt of growing up. I wanted to be older, stronger and superior. I wanted it so badly that I did things to make myself seem more mature. I convinced myself if that I put aside my childish ways aside long enough, I'd soon grow out of it. Or I thought so.

But the child in me haunted me for years. Now, many years later, I find myself making an ironic wish that I'd be able to be young again. I want to enjoy being childish and I want to be silly. I don't want to grow up. However, no matter how hard I wish, I simply can't be a child anymore. (with the exception of the occasional childish pranks, of course)

It brings me to think about how much sometimes we humans have the tendency to rush through life. At times, we rush through life so fast that we forget not only where we've been, but also where were going to.

We miss the things that matter the most and we make a great mess of our lives. At the end of all the rushing, we realise that there weren't anythings to rush about in the first place. Life is not a race. We only get to live life once.

However, more often than not, we choose to live in an indifferent and ignorant way. We squander away their days on earth by indulging in detrimental acts. We miss out on everything life has to offer us. How many of us ask "how are you?" and really mean it? How many of us care that our neighbour is sick? Not many can claim to be such a person.

Learning to grasp and enjoy life is fast becoming a rare skill. More and more people are merely existing but barely alive. It seems that the essence of life is dissapearing. We have to capture it once more.

Do not let your life
Slip through your fingers
By living in the past nor the future.
By living your life one day at a time,
You live all the days of your life.


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